A message from WPSA President

Dear members
COVID 19 has certainly disrupted water polo in 2020 however in SA we are hopeful that we will get competitions started in October. We already have training squads up and running.
We also plan to hold our AGM in October.
I plan to step down as President and as a director at the AGM. This provides an opportunity to add new faces and experience to the Board.
If anyone is interested in becoming a WPSA Board member please put your name forward. All Board members are available to discuss with you what is involved and the time commitments expected. Don’t be hesitant, it is not onerous and it gives you a chance to influence change as well as ensure that we provide great opportunities to our players.
If you are interested please let me know via president@waterpolosa.com.au I can also put you in contact with any other Board member should you wish to discuss the opportunity with them.
Peter Cleary